“You can only create in your life what you can envision in your mind.” – Terrie Reeves
Change is not easy, and it is virtually impossible to take intentional action without a plan. Sociologist Kurt Lewin developed a change model involving three steps: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. For Lewin, the process of change entails creating the perception that a change is needed, then moving towards the desired change, and finally, solidifying that new behavior as the norm. Lewin’s model provides some framework around change and there is no doubt, that it requires challenging the status quo. Whether you are changing organizational processes or your behavior, you have to move from a familiar place to the unknown which requires courage. There is often a tug of war that goes on in the mind when contemplating change so having a clear vision and plan to get there is critical. Unfortunately, adopting new behavior and making a change stick is difficult and a large number of change efforts fail. Desire and effort don’t always guarantee success, but it appears the type of motivation that drives change does. What motivates someone to take action is personal but there are two primary types of motivation.
Intrinsic motivation: This occurs when you act without any obvious external rewards. The motivation seems to come from within and the desire to change is often viewed as an opportunity to explore, learn, and actualize your potential.
“Pause to figure out your motivation for taking action; you will know it is intrinsic when it aligns with the desires of your heart.” – Terrie Reeves
Extrinsic Motivation: Explains the drive for an individual to participate in a specific activity or role given the potential to achieve a reward or punishment.
Some people are motivated extrinsically and some are motivated intrinsically, but most people are motivated by a combination of both.
Fact: Research supports that the sustainability of long-term change is improved when using intrinsic motivation as a catalyst.
It is also important to notice what is driving your desire to change. Fear is sometimes the catalyst for change. It can help you jump-start into action, but far too often it is short-lived. Fear can also hold you hostage and keep you from taking action. If this is the case, it is important to figure out what is driving the fear under the surface. Understanding the why is helpful and can help pave the way to positive action, change, and the desired outcome.
“You can look for external sources of motivation and that can catalyze a change, but it won’t sustain one. It has to be from an internal desire.” – Jillian Michaels “Chase contentment by seeking rewards that are found outside yourself, or sit still and listen to what moves you from within.” – Terrie Reeves
Reflection Exercise:
Ponder the following questions and consider writing down your answers or talk through them with a trusted friend, family member, coach, or counselor:
Is there something you want to change?
If so, write down what you want to change and why.
Pause and visualize what your future state will look like and feel like when you make the change.
Notice the feelings that are driving your desire to change.
Is your desire to change motivated by an outside force (extrinsic) or an internal desire (intrinsic)?
Is fear driving your desire to change or is it holding you back? Either side of fear in this case is not optimal, so do some introspection and try to identify what is driving the fear.
How is fear showing up for you and why?
Are you experiencing any other barriers that might be holding you back? If so, write them down and consider ways to overcome them.
Are you trying to tackle change by yourself? If needed, reach out for help and support from trusted resources.
Who are your trusted resources and how can they help?
What action will you consider doing that will move you in the direction of your desired change?
Pondering the change process and asking yourself powerful questions can help you become clear on what you want to change and why you want to change. Understanding your why is the foundation for change. Change requires you to first PAUSE to become:
Aware of what you want to change
Awake to why the change is important to you
Empowered to develop a plan and to take action
Transformed by adopting new behavior into your life
5P Change Model® (Pause, Process, Plan, Pivot, Proceed)
After 5 years of research, and refinement I am excited to share that the 5P Change Model® is now trademarked, and it is used to provide a framework for change. The model has 5 primary steps that move individuals, teams, and organizations from awareness to processing information and options, to decision-making and planning, and ultimately intentional action. The model encourages reflection, mindfulness, curiosity, ideation, openness, flexibility, planning, and intentional action.
Access Free 5P Change Model® Worksheets for Personal Change
Click here to access two 5P Change Worksheets designed to help you change personal behavior and make better decisions. Change is not easy, but it is worth it.
If you are interested in the 5P Change Model® research done by Northeastern University click here.
Awareness is the first step to intentional change. - Terrie Reeves
Consider reading Prochaska and DiClemente’s work on readiness to change, if you are intrigued by behavior and what motivates people to take action. Below is a snapshot of their work.
A high-level framework of TTM: Readiness to change or the Trans Theoretical Model (TTM) was developed by Prochaska and DiClemente, focusing on the decision-making of the individual; it is a model of intentional change. It operates on the assumption that people do not change behaviors quickly and decisively. Behavioral change, especially habitual behavior, occurs continuously through a cyclical process. The TTM model reflects 6 stages of change: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. If interested, Google the Trans Theoretical Model (TTM) and learn more about how to navigate change in your life.
“Embracing change requires being open-minded and awake to new possibilities. To have the capacity to see beyond the obvious and the desire and courage to walk into the unknown. Change requires letting go of the familiar, stepping beyond what is comfortable, and trusting yourself and the process.” – Terrie Reeves
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