Many of the below recommendations will come as no surprise. The bigger “aha” may be how few you actually do. If you are interested in making changes that will improve your life then take some action and pick a few things on the list that resonate with you. Each recommendation is an invitation to take care of yourself and is designed to help you recharge and reduce stress. By the way, most of the suggestions are free.
Take short breaks throughout the day to pause and connect to your breath
Practice slowing down. Try walking slower, talking slower and reacting to things a little slower
Don’t over schedule and leave more space in between events and appointments
Volunteer for a charity that is important to you
Get the right amount of sleep (7 to 8 hours)
Keep caffeine intake to a minimum
Take a mental health day and focus on yourself
Be active and exercise daily
Do something creative – draw, paint, play an instrument, write, do woodworking, dance in your living room
Set realistic goals that are manageable, achievable and are important to you
Spend time alone in prayer or just pause and think about something positive
Write down one thing in which you are grateful for each day for one week
De-clutter your home, car and office
Create a peaceful area in your home and find a place at work where you can unplug and relax
Don’t jump to negative conclusions, pause and consider a positive scenario
Identify your stress triggers and develop healthy coping skills that work for you
Practice positive self-talk when dealing with stressful situations
Limit time with people or situations that cause you stress
Spend time in community connecting with like-minded people
Set healthy boundaries at work, home and in life
Pet an animal or hug someone for 20 seconds
Do something that makes you smile and laugh
Spend time in nature
Don’t struggle, ask for help
Put your cell phone down, look up and practice being in the moment
Dim the lights, put on some calm music, light some candles, turn off your cell phone and just chill
Have a conversation with someone about a topic you both enjoy
Practice any form of self-care that makes you happy i.e. massage, meditation, yoga, reading, golfing, taking a nap, sitting by water
Make sure your to do list has fun and meaningful life experiences on it
Try easy, not hard
Recharge for your life. Your health and happiness depends on it.
Is your organization looking to reduce employee burnout, stress and turnover? Do your have a desire to improve employee resiliency, engagement, performance and mental health and well-being? If so, contact Empower Health America or call us 704-200-4459.
Learn how EHA is empowering individuals, leaders, teams, and organizations to THRIVE.